Saturday, August 30, 2008


Okay here is the surprise! I told you about, this sits in my yard all football season he's almost as tall as my house and Admiral is afraid of him. but we love him Meet Brutus !!!!!!
What did you think a crazy obsessed buckeye fan would have in their yard? Here are a few more shots from around the yard.

Theres something Ohio State everywhere:

See I told you we were buckeye crazy;0) Well I need to get going and get ready for the game Cheer loud OH-IO Go Bucks!!!!!!



kari and kijsa said...

Thank you for all your prayers and blessings!
Have a wonderful Labor Day,
kari & kijsa

Angie said...

Girl, I'd say y'all love some Ohio State football, don't ya? My husband is an athletic trainer so he loves sports, especially football. Me, not so much. It might help if I knew the rules of the game!