Monday, September 5, 2011

Goodbye Summer Hello Fall

Grandma Kate with me and my sister in her flower bed.
Well its been a long summer. Happy Labor Day! We have had our ups and downs this summer. Started off not so great my husband had to lay people off where he works which is never good. so kinda stressful start to summer then my brother in law lost his job yikes its been bad. I have been sick all summer with stomach problems and allergies and am just now getting them under control, thanks to Zyrtec and prilosec!!
 Now the good stuff  spent part of our summer watching the boys play little league baseball then took my boys on a zoo trip to the Columbus zoo and water park which they loved. Taylor family reunion in Kentucky and a wedding in the park which was wonderful.  then off to the smokies for a little rest.then home to start football practice for the coach which means summer is over.
 On the sad side of our summer My 91 year old  Grandma Kate fell and just could not get over the hump to get better. so we said out last goodbyes to her which I feel was the hardest thing. It was hard to say good-bye to someone who was a constant in your life for 45 years I put a little note in her pocket that said  You have been a constant in my life for 45 years I loved you from the start and I will love you till the end of my time good bye Grandma Kate love you more! so kiss the ones you love and hug a little longer before you say goodbye.
So as you can see nothing has gotten done around here at all no projects no going junking nothing at all. So here is to a great fall and getting something done.. Have a wonderful Labor Day!!!
Columbus Zoo
Carson in t-ball
Cole with a triple
My sweet Collin on All Stars
the Coach and I in the Smokies
The Haneys

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